Project Management

A project is something that, in this form, has not as yet existed, something that is ahead of its times and its environment. This now needs to be handled in such a way that it does not generate any irritation, anxieties, friction or conflicts with any of the groups or individuals involved. Therefore you should get assistance already in the planning phase so as many topics as possible can be addressed and considered from the beginning.

Martina Schubert helps you to plan your projects and the processes of their implementation holistically and sustainably. In seminars and individual interviews with the different groups and persons involved, she analyses as early as possible the initial situation also in relation to anxieties and other obstacles and identifies the appropriate procedures.

The available knowledge of all participants is an important foundation of each change. Starting from this basis the change is being shaped. Martina Schubert supervises the protagonists during the implementation and helps them, as an impartial partner of interaction, to operate the individual steps. She observes and documents the effects of the individual process actions, measures the achievement of the indicators and compares them to the initial situation. Were the changes “caused” by the schemes of the project – or by other factors? Martina Schubert works with the instruments of impact monitoring, project progress control and evaluation and always with a professional view “from the outside”.